100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

Fancy Mobility proudly stands behind every product we make.
We value our customers and want them to be confident when they shop with us.
That’s why we include an Extended Guarantee with every purchase.

It covers:

1. ANY problems you experience with your product.
2. ANY dissatisfaction you may have with your product.
3. Or if your purchase doesn’t meet your expectations.

If you are not satisfied, you can receive a refund of your full
purchase price in one of two ways:

If you purchased online from FancyMobility.com your refund will be applied to the credit or debit card used for purchase.

1. Contact us via email at orders@fancymobility.com
2. Provide your full name, order number, and the last four digits of the credit or debit card used for the purchase
3. Your refund will appear on your account in 3-5 business days

If you purchased your product from our Amazon or E-bay store, please contact us through the marketplace platform, we will initiate the refund as soon as we get your request. Your refund will be provided through the online marketplace platform within 24 hours.


Refund of purchase from an unauthorized seller will not be accepted. Offer limited to US residents only, 18 years of age or age of majority or older. Limit one refund per name, household, or address. Use of multiple addresses or P.O. boxes to obtain additional refunds is a fraud and may result in prosecution. Multiple submissions will not be acknowledged or returned. Refund is limited to the purchase price and excludes taxes and any incidental or consequential damages, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This guarantee gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.